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ltx 1116 2097

Comparison of Three Pump Systems on the Particle Size Distribution of Cabot® WIN W7300-A18 Slurry

  • BPS-4
  • CMP
  • Microelectronics
  • Slurry
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In comparison to Levitronix® pumps, pneumatic pumps can cause shear stress due to check valves and other components. Shear stress in pumps can cause slurry agglomeration. Agglomerated slurry particles can lead to micro scratches, which cause wafer defectivity in CMP.

Test conditions
A Levitronix® BPS-4 pump, a diaphragm pump, and a bellows pump were evaluated for their effect on the health of Cabot® WIN W7300-A18 slurry.11 liters of slurry were recirculated at 30 lpm and 2.1 bar. Samples were drawn from the system at selected times for analysis. The particle size distribution of each sample was measured and the increase in particle concentration relative to the initial concentration was compared.

Little change in the particle size distribution was observed with the Levitronix® pump, regardless of particle size. With bellows and diaphragm pumps, significant increases particularly in the large particle concentrations were observed.


Particle concentrations relative to the initial concentration for selected size channels


Particle concentrations relative to the initial concentration for selected size channels


Particle concentrations relative to the initial concentration for selected size channels

Author Marc Litchy
Company CT Associates
Document Number 1116 2097
Pages 11